- Shaver, Harold3
- Shaw, Mrs. Victor3
- Shephard, Dorothy Jean3
- Shott, Hugh Ike, Jr., and Jim Shott3
- Siler Stereo Cards3
- Siler Stereocards3
- Smith, Mrs. Mortimer W. 3
- Snider, Blake3
- Snyder, Mary; Cass, W.Va. Through Prof. Roy B. Clarkson3
- Spruce Street United Methodist Church3
- Stanley Nels, Publication Office3
- Studio of Scott Gibson, Mrs. Ruby Le Pera3
- Summers, Joseph3
- Swecker, Edith3
- Swiger, Mary Lee3
- Thesis- 'The influences of Nineteenth Century Architectural Styles on Morgantown Homes' Submitted by Petitte, Clyda Paire3
- Towles, Mrs. E. T.3
- Trail, Stephen, & Frederick Long3
- Transfer from A.B. Fleming Papers3
- Transfer, Office of Publications through Stanley Nels3