Search Results

Right to left: Andrew Hedricks, Tom Workenbaker, Truman Nethkin, Lafe Troy, Smith Dugger, unidentified, Dr. Harper Judy (wearing bow tie), unidentified woodsman and bartender.

289. Nethkin and Layman's Saloon, Whitmer, W. Va.

290. Horton Presbyterian Church, Horton, W. Va.

Dry Fork Railroad shop building at Hendricks. - Courtesy of WVU Archives D. D. Brown collection.

291. Dry Fork Railroad Shop, Hendricks, W. Va.

Looking north on Railroad Avenue. The first four buildings are still in use.

292. Railroad Avenue, Whitmer, W. Va.

293. Lumber Yard, Whitmer, W. Va.

294. Central West Virginia and Southern Trolley Car No. 9

Laneville, with the Dry Fork Company mill in the foreground. Note the footbridge across Red Creek (at center of picture), connecting the mill with the town.

295. Bird's Eye View of Laneville, W. Va.

296. Logging Crew With Axes Posed By Tree, W. Va.

297. Whitmer Cornet Band, Whitmer, W. Va.

298. Economy Up Dry Fork, W. Va.

Dr. Thomas B. Crittenden- Courtesy Russel White

299. Portrait of Dr. Thomas B. Crittenden, Whitmer, W. Va.

300. Lumber Mill, Yard and Log Pond, W. Va.