Search Results
- 019973
- Title:
- Woodburn Hall, West Virginia University
- Date:
- 1961/08/03
- 020837
- Title:
- Faculty Enter Field House for Commencement Ceremony, West Virginia University
- Date:
- 1961/08/03
- Description:
- Students and Families in front of the field House.
- 053366
- Title:
- Salvation Army Food Distribution, Charleston, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1961/08/03
- Description:
- "Members of the Charleston Salvation Army (right) distribute food to the needy, made available under the U.S. Department of Agriculture's increased food distribution plan. Canned pork and gravy, dried beans, dried eggs, and peanut butter have been added to the other abundant foods being distributed in areas where needs are pressing, particularly in areas of high unemployment." USDA office of information photograph.
- 053367
- Title:
- "Katie's Kitchen" Radio Program, Charleston, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1961/08/03
- Description:
- "Katie Doonan shown at her studio where she announced the dates that abundant agricultural commodities would be distributed to the needy in the Charleston area. The stepped-up distribution of food was caused by President Kennedy's Executive Order Number 1, which added protein foods to the list of commodities being distributed." United States Department of Agriculture Office of Information.