Search Results

1. G.A. Miller 2. A.E. Miller 3. James H. Miller 4. C.L. Miller 5. J.H. Miller of Texas. Photograph was taken at the Miller house, also known as the John Cooke home.

49. Male Members of Miller Family, Bellepointe, W. Va.

50. Scene on Chapline St., Wheeling, W. Va.

51. Center Market Place, Wheeling, W. Va.

Showing Market and South Streets and Flat Iron Building.

52. View From Baltimore & Ohio Viaduci, Wheeling, W. Va.

Man poses by his horse drawn carriage. He was killed on July 14, 1919 near the Red Bank in the Forest Hill district.

53. Assyrian Peddler

A group of unidentified subjects pose infront of the old mill.

54. Old Water-Powered Saw Mill near Barger Springs, W. Va.

View of the building from down the street. A horse drawn carriage are pictured outside.

55. McCreery Hotel, Hinton, W. Va.

The square, to the left, is comprised of scattered trees and park benches. In the background is McCreery Hotel.

56. Courthouse Square, Hinton, W. Va.

57. 4-H Club Delegates From Marion, Wood, and Preston Counties, W. Va.

58. 4-H Girls Demonstration Club Delegates With Two Banners From Ritchie and Wood Counties, W. Va.

59. 4-H Club Delegates With Pennants Identifying Their Home County and Kanawha Canning Club

60. 4-H Girls Demonstration Club, Representatives From Ritchie and Wood Counties