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'A.B. 1898, Rural Dale, W. Va.'

25. Roy Reger, Class of 1898, West Virginia University

Senior Engineering students posed in classroom.  From left to right:  Harry Cole, Bert Lawhead, Elmer Leach, Bill Bruner, Fred Davis, and Charles McCoy.

26. Senior Engineering Class of 1898, West Virginia University

Left to right, Harry O. Cole, Fred Davis, Berton M. Laughead, Elmer Leach, Wm. J. Bruner, Charles  E. McCoy. Senior engineering class of 1898. Leach, a consulting engineer; C.E. McCoy, now in Insurance business in Charleston, W. Va; Bruner, who is with the Highland Contracting Co. in Pittsburgh; Fred Davis, head of the . W. Va. Good-roads testing department; Laughead, who is now with the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. at Washington, Pa; and Harry Cole who is president of the Cole Brothers Construction Co. of Morgantown.

27. Senior Engineering Class of 1898, West Virginia University

Class portrait with unidentified students.

28. Class of 1898, West Virginia University

Left to right: Cole, Davis, Leach, Laughead, Bruner.

29. Senior Civil Engineering Class of 1898, West Virginia University

Loughead is with the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. at Washington, Pa. Davis is head of Good Road Testing Department. Taken in Science Hall in 1898.

30. Seniors Loughead and Davis, West Virginia University

31. Science Students, West Virginia University

A portrait of class of 1898, senior students of civil engineering; a male standing is Elmer Leach, the rest are unidentified.

32. Senior Civil Engineering Class, West Virginia University

Senior students Laughhead (left) and Davis (right) sit for an photo in a classroom.

33. Students Laughhead Davis, West Virginia Univrsity

Rev. J.M. B(unreadable).

34. Storer College Minister, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

The house is on the corner of Virginia Avenue and Route 50.

35. J. C. Johnson Residence, Bridgeport, W. Va.

The members of the unit are: seated, left to right - Colonel B. D. Spillman, Lieutenant-Colonel C. L. Smith, Surgeon Major W. H. Baugley; standing, left to right - Lieutenant Adj. W. J. White, Lieutenant Surgeon Charles Nesbitt, Lieutenant O. M. H. W. Jenkins, and Chaplain S. K. Arbuthnot.

36. Colonel and Staff of First West Virginia Volunteer Infantry