Search Results
- 022208
- Title:
- Roy Reger, Class of 1898, West Virginia University
- Date:
- 1898
- Description:
- 'A.B. 1898, Rural Dale, W. Va.'
- 022319
- Title:
- Senior Engineering Class of 1898, West Virginia University
- Date:
- 1898
- Description:
- Senior Engineering students posed in classroom. From left to right: Harry Cole, Bert Lawhead, Elmer Leach, Bill Bruner, Fred Davis, and Charles McCoy.
- 022342
- Title:
- Senior Engineering Class of 1898, West Virginia University
- Date:
- 1898
- Description:
- Left to right, Harry O. Cole, Fred Davis, Berton M. Laughead, Elmer Leach, Wm. J. Bruner, Charles E. McCoy. Senior engineering class of 1898. Leach, a consulting engineer; C.E. McCoy, now in Insurance business in Charleston, W. Va; Bruner, who is with the Highland Contracting Co. in Pittsburgh; Fred Davis, head of the . W. Va. Good-roads testing department; Laughead, who is now with the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. at Washington, Pa; and Harry Cole who is president of the Cole Brothers Construction Co. of Morgantown.
- 022346
- Title:
- Class of 1898, West Virginia University
- Date:
- 1898
- Description:
- Class portrait with unidentified students.
- 022348
- Title:
- Senior Civil Engineering Class of 1898, West Virginia University
- Date:
- 1898
- Description:
- Left to right: Cole, Davis, Leach, Laughead, Bruner.
- 022351
- Title:
- Seniors Loughead and Davis, West Virginia University
- Date:
- 1898
- Description:
- Loughead is with the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. at Washington, Pa. Davis is head of Good Road Testing Department. Taken in Science Hall in 1898.
- 022533
- Title:
- Science Students, West Virginia University
- Date:
- 1898
- 025031
- Title:
- Senior Civil Engineering Class, West Virginia University
- Date:
- 1898
- Description:
- A portrait of class of 1898, senior students of civil engineering; a male standing is Elmer Leach, the rest are unidentified.
- 025033
- Title:
- Students Laughhead Davis, West Virginia Univrsity
- Date:
- 1898
- Description:
- Senior students Laughhead (left) and Davis (right) sit for an photo in a classroom.
- 025410
- Title:
- Storer College Minister, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1898
- Description:
- Rev. J.M. B(unreadable).
- 030505
- Title:
- J. C. Johnson Residence, Bridgeport, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1898
- Description:
- The house is on the corner of Virginia Avenue and Route 50.
- 030758
- Title:
- Colonel and Staff of First West Virginia Volunteer Infantry
- Date:
- 1898
- Description:
- The members of the unit are: seated, left to right - Colonel B. D. Spillman, Lieutenant-Colonel C. L. Smith, Surgeon Major W. H. Baugley; standing, left to right - Lieutenant Adj. W. J. White, Lieutenant Surgeon Charles Nesbitt, Lieutenant O. M. H. W. Jenkins, and Chaplain S. K. Arbuthnot.