Search Results

37. Columbian Literary Society, West Virginia University

38. Parthenon Literary Society, West Virginia University

A botanical room at Agricultural Experiment Station Laboratory.

39. Botanical Room at Agricultural Experiment Station, West Virginia University

Students of junior Geology class in Fall 1896; one individual is identified as Fred E. Clark.

40. Junior Geology Class, West Virginia University

41. Unidentified Boy with His Dog

Two shots of experiment plats.

42. Agricultural Experiment Plats

43. WVU Football Team

'This honored old institution was founded in 1814, and was the direct predecessor of West Virginia University.  The first sessions of the University were held in this building, which stood where the Morgantown Public School now stands.  It was later used as the Morgantown public School, until it was destroyed by fire in 1896.'

44. Fire at the Old Monongalia Academy

45. President McKinley and Mrs. McKinley

Possibly a reserve team.

46. WVU Football Team

Democratic Nominee for Sheriff

47. G. B. Fisher, Braxton, W. Va.

48. Ramsey Family, Windy Gap, Webster, W. Va.