Search Results
- 000801
- Title:
- South Side of Charleston, W. Va. During the Civil War
- Date:
- 1863
- Description:
- Copy of painting by A.M. Doddridge, 1863- Army camp just below Chesapeake and Ohio Depot site near mouth of Ferry Branch on the Kanawha river. Fort Scammon Hill in the distance. President Hayes and McKinley were stationed in camp.
- 000802
- Title:
- South Side of Charleston, W. Va. During the Civil War
- Date:
- 1863
- Description:
- Copy of painting by A.M. Doddridge, 1863- Army camp just below C. and O. depot site near mouth of Ferry Branch. Fort Scammon hill in the distance.
- 000805
- Title:
- Battle of Rich Mountain
- Date:
- 1863
- Description:
- Battle of Rich Mountain scene. Black and White Version. From the original painting by Chappel in the possession of the publishers. Johnson Fry and Co. Publishers, New York.
- 000806
- Title:
- Battle of Rich Mountain
- Date:
- 1863
- Description:
- Battle of Rich Mountain scene. Color version. From the original painting by Chappel in the possession of the publishers. Johnson Fry and Co. Publishers, New York.
- 000807
- Title:
- Battle of Rich Mountain
- Date:
- 1863
- Description:
- Battle of Rich Mountain. From the originial painting by Alonzo Chappel.
- 000815
- Title:
- Camp Reynolds, Kanawha Falls, Fayette Co., West Va.
- Date:
- 1863
- Description:
- Camp Reynolds, Kanawha Falls, Fayette County. Winter headquarters of the 23rd. Ohio, also 89th. Ohio- Dec 1, 1862 to March 15, 1863 (See Haye's Diary Vol. 2- p. 366-394. 'Camp Markell, Gauley Bridge, Dec 1 1862- We are on the south side of the Kanawha at the ferry below and in sight of the falls, 2 miles below Gauley Bridge.---p.366. 'Camp Reynolds Jan 4, 1863- The same old camp but now Reynolds after our gallant Sergt. Maj. Eugene Reynolds, who was killed at South Mountain -p.383.
- 000831
- Title:
- Camp of the 12th Reg. O.V.I. at Fayetteville, VA April 1863
- Date:
- 1863
- Description:
- Camp of the 12th Regiment and O.V.I. at Fayetteville Va. April 1863. A. Fort Scammon, B. Battery McMullan, C. Camp of the 12th Reg. and O.V.I, D. Fayetteville Courthouse.
- 000860
- Title:
- Battle of Rich Mountain
- Date:
- 1863
- Description:
- Sketch of soldiers engaged in battle at Rich Mountain.
- 001104
- Title:
- Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'
- Date:
- 1863
- Description:
- Portrait of Thomas J. 'Stonewall' Jackson.
- 001255
- Title:
- General Averell's Raid on Salem
- Date:
- 1863
- Description:
- General Averell and his men in the rain during the raid on Salem. The men rode through pelting rain and in freezing weather. From a sketch in Harpers Weekly, Jan 16, 1864. See West Virginia Collection Pamphlet 6610 and Boyd Stutler's West Virginia in the Civil War.
- 001258
- Title:
- Drawing of Men in the Lobby of the McClure House in Wheeling to Hear News of the War
- Date:
- 1863
- Description:
- 'Morgans Raiders are bound for Wheeling.' Excitement in the McClure House due to news of war. In the group, right, leaning against the stair rail is Hon. Wlm E. Stevenson, of Parkersburg, President of the 1863 senate and later governor; wearing a white hat is Leroy Kramer, Capt. Kramer Guards and 1864 Speaker of the House; James C. McGrew, Preston Co., later a Congressman, reads newspaper, Archibald W. Campbell, editor of the Wheeling Intelligencer with hands clasped behind his back. See West Virginia Collection Pamphlet 6610 and Boyd Stutler's 'West Virginia in the Civil War.'
- 005405
- Title:
- Original Mill at Falls Mill near Bulltown, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1863