Search Results

Three ladies and a man are standing in front of Tom Watkins' home in Marquess, Preston County, West Virginia.

1. Family and Home of Tom Watkins, Marqess, Preston County, W. Va.

'The old Summers Home at Marquess, Preston County, West Virginia. 'Brother and sister, William Caleb Summers, back, Sarah E. Summers, Bower Fannie Summers, Maud Bower, Ira Summers, and William Bower.'

2. Summers Home, Marquess, Preston County, W. Va.

'Charley and Iva Burke Summers in buggy; Sarah Raice, mother of John Wesley Summers wife; John Wesley Summers; Nola Huffman, wife of John Huffman; Phoebe May; John Huffman; Clara Raice, a sister of John Wesley Summers wife; Ira Summers; Fannie Summers; Ernie Simpson; Florence Shahm Nose; Andy Hardsaw; Sadie Pierce; front row: Noren Raice; Harlow Runner; Wade Huffman; J. L. Huffman; Florence Shahm Nose - daughter; Artemis Pierce - on back of horse; Effy Huffman - on horse'

3. Summers Family and Neighbors in Preston County, W. Va.