Search Results
- 001486
- Title:
- U.S.S. West Virginia (Top) and the U.S.S. Oklahoma (Bottom)
- Date:
- undated
- Description:
- The U.S.S. West Virginia and USS Oklahoma at sea. Text on back reads 'Official U.S. Navy photographs from C941635...Watch your news photos slug West Virginia-Oklahoma' U.S. Battleships bombed by Japs. Washington, D.C...Two U.S. Warships, the Battleships West Virginia 'Top' and Oklahoma 'Bottom', were reported damaged or sunk in the Japanese bombing attack on the Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Naval Base. G-12-7-41-9/30PM.
- 017013
- Title:
- Two Images of the Armored Cruiser West Virginia
- Date:
- 1907
- Description:
- 'Armored Cruiser West Virginia. This is one of the United States' fastest cruisers, commanded by Captain John B. Milton, in the armored cruiser fleer in the Pacific December 19th, 1907. This cruiser is the same type as the Colorado and the Maryland and has a phenomenal record of 22 1/2 knots an hour. It is considered one of the fastest grey hounds in this magnificent fleet of armored cruisers and should be there any war the West Virginia would give a good account of itself.'
- 018115
- Title:
- Warren Cunningham, Bradford Cunningham, Oather Cunningham, and Homer Lovejoy in Car, Charleston, W. Va.
- Date:
- Undated
- Description:
- In the driver's seat is Warren Cunningham, beside him is Bradford Cunningham, and in the backseat is Oather Cunningham and Homer Lovejoy.
- 037284
- Title:
- Radio Performers
- Date:
- ca. 1940
- Description:
- Left to right: "Just Plain John" Oldham; Cowboy Loye Pack; possibly Lew Childre; Unidentified child; James "Sheepherder" Moore. Performed at WWVA Wheeling or WMMN Fairmont.
- 037285
- Title:
- Radio Performer, Cowboy Loye Pack and His Family
- Date:
- 1936
- Description:
- "Cowboy" Loye Pack and family, including his 2 year old son, Gerald Malcolm Pack. Performed at WWVA Wheeling or WMMN Fairmont.
- 037286
- Title:
- Radio Performers, Sheep Herder and the Four Harps
- Date:
- ca. 1940
- Description:
- Seated left- Custer Allen; Seated right- "Cowboy Loye" Pack; Standing left to right: James "Sheepherder" Moore, "Silver Yodlin" Bill Jones, "Curley" French Mitchell, "Just Plain John" Oldham. Performed at WWVA Wheeling or WMMN Fairmont.
- 037287
- Title:
- Radio Performers, The Singing Pals
- Date:
- ca. 1940
- Description:
- Wilma Lee Leary Cooper and Dale T. "Stoney" Cooper. Performed at WWVA Wheeling or WMMN Fairmont.
- 037288
- Title:
- Jake Taylor and Band, Radio Performers
- Date:
- ca. 1940
- Description:
- Unidentified man w/ cap; Benny Dunbar; Betty Taylor; Jake Taylor; Tommy Pritchell. Performed at WWVA Wheeling or WMMN Fairmont.
- 037289
- Title:
- Border Riders Country Music Group
- Description:
- Seated left to right: Curley Slim; "Sunflower" Mary Calves; Doc Williams; Standing left to right "Cap"; Cy Williams; "Rawhide" Hamilton Fincher. Performed at WWVA Wheeling or WMMN Fairmont.
- 037290
- Title:
- Blue Bonnet Troupe, WWVA Radio Performers
- Date:
- 1937
- Description:
- Front Row, Left to Right: Ray Myers, Just Plain John, Cowboy Loye; Back Row, Left to Right: Sheep Herder, Curley Mitchell, Radio Dot, Betty, Jake Taylor, Custer Allen.
- 046822
- Title:
- New Doctor's Hospital Dedication in New York City
- Date:
- Undated
- Description:
- Caption on back of photograph reads: "Dr. Carl Reiland of St. George Church, delivering the invocation at the dedication of the new Doctor's Hospital at East End Avenue at 88th Street. Left to right in the picture beside Dr. Reiland, are: Thomas Cochran, of J.P. Morgan and Company, President of the hospital; John W. Davis, former Democratic Candidate for President, who laid the cornerstone; and Dr. Alexander Lambert, member of the Board of Directors."
- 046823
- Title:
- Opening Drive of United Hospital Campaign, NY
- Date:
- 1937/10/25
- Description:
- John W. Davis, chairman of the campaign, speaking at the dinner, in the Commodore Hotel, New York City, October 25th, that marked the opening of the Untied Hospital Campaign for Voluntary Hospitals. Miss Louise Iselin listens closely as Mr. Davis describes the needs of the hospitals to the 1,400 workers attending the dinner.