Search Results

This carte de visite has a federal revenue stamp on the back indicating a tax was paid on the photograph. This tax was passed by Congress, 1864-1866, to pay for the war. The young woman is wearing the fashion and hair style of the Civil War period.

25. Civil War Era Portrait of Unidentified Woman

A carte de visite of a small, bare-foot boy named Harry.

26. Harry

A carte de visite of a young girl in curls.

27. Ona Young of Charleston, W. Va.

A carte de visite of a well dressed, bearded, J. M. Young.

28. J. M. Young of Charleston, W. Va.

A cabinet card portrait of a young man in full military uniform, holding a weapon.

29. G. O. 'Gus' Young

A cabinet card portrait of a middle age woman.

30. Mary Regina McGwiggin

A cabinet card portrait of Ora Young, daughter of J. M. Young, posing among "cattails".

31. Ora D. Young of Charleston, W. Va.