Search Results

1. Students in the Waitman Barbe Public Library in Morgantown, W. Va.

2. Children Look Through Magazines in the Waitman Barbe Public Library in Morgantown, W. Va.

3. Children in the Waitman Barbe Public Library, Morgantown, W. Va.

Customers are mailing their Christmas letters and packages at the Morgantown Post Office in Morgantown, West Office; Source: Gift-Dominion News Office through Tom Mills, City Editor, Morgantown, West Virginia.

4. Christmas Week at the Morgantown Post Office, Morgantown, W. Va.

5. Construction of the Mont Chateau Lodge Overlooking Cheat Lake, Monongalia County, W. Va.

6. Construction of the Mont Chateau Lodge at Cheat Lake, Monongalia County, W. Va.

7. Group at the Mont Chateau Lodge, Cheat Lake, Monongalia County, W. Va.

'Charles Boyles (left) and Kenneth Elliott, greasing a hay crusher, are getting ready for today's Livestock Field Day which will be held out at the University Animal Husbandry farm on Stewartstown Road beginning at 10 o'clock. Boyles, superintendent of the livestock farm, and Elliott, an assistant agricultural engineer, will be demonstrating this and other machines at the farm this afternoon.'

8. Charles Boyles and Kenneth Elliott Work with Farm Equipment at West Virginia University Animal Husbandry Farm

'The West Virginia University Animal Husbandry Farm on Stewartstown Road has been a headquarters for livestock research in West Virginia for more than 40 years.  Experiment Station animal husbandmen are conducting research in many phases of livestock breeding, feeding, and management here and at the Reymann Memorial Farms in Wardensville, a substation of the University's Agricultural Experiment Station.'

9. Animal Husbandry Farm, West Virginia University

Portrait of Raymond E. Salvati, Huntington, West Virginia, NAM Director, a member of the West Virginia University Board of Governors. 'West Virginia University, Bureau of Information, Morgantown, West Virginia.'

10. West Virginia University Board of Governors Member Raymond Salvati

2nd from left standing behind Gov. is Robert Kelly

11. Governor Underwood of West Virginia